College Hill Move Out Guidelines
Move Out Guidelines
Guest Blogger: City of Cedar Falls
Moving Out/Moving In? Will You Help us Reduce the Mess?
Here are some moving in/out guidelines:
1. “Garbage” at the curb can only be picked up by the city when placed inside the green garbage cart assigned to your address. You are allowed one extra bag a week on top of your trash cart with a pink bag tag attached to it. Bag Tags can be purchased at our Transfer Station at 1524 State St., Ace Hardware, Fareway, Hy Vee on University. You may also take your extra bags of trash to the transfer station Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. or on Saturday’s form 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. There is a $0.75 cent fee per bag or you can weigh it in and our fee per ton for solid waste is $57.50. If you have the smaller cart you can always up-size to a larger size. We have three sizes of carts.
- 35 Gallon – $9.00 per month
- 64 Gallon – $17.00 per month
- 96 Gallon – $26.50 per month

96 Gallon 64 Gallon 35 Gallon

You can call 273-8629 to change your size of cart if needed. We normally do cart exchanges on your day of collection.
2. Large item pickup is available and scheduled on your refuse collection day for residents with an active Cedar Falls refuse account. To schedule a pickup, call the Public Works Department at (319) 273-8629 between 7 am–4 pm, Monday–Friday. The large items must be placed curbside after 8:00 pm the night before your scheduled collection. This service is limited to large items only and is not intended to be a service for garbage. Residents are charged a $5 per stop fee for bulk collection appointments. The fee is added to your Cedar Falls Utility account.
The following items will be picked up: Couches, Chairs, Recliners, Tables, Carpet and Pad (rolled up), Box Springs, Mattresses, Doors (quantities no greater than three), Windows (quantities no greater than three), Swing Sets (dismantled and no concrete), Grills, Gutters and Down Spouts (sections must be less than 6 feet in length), Bicycles.
This service is only available to residents paying refuse fees to the City of Cedar Falls.
Charged Items: Picking up the following items will result in a charge of $7.50 each on your utility bill: Washers / Dryers, Refrigerators / Freezers, Dish Washers, Air Conditioners, Water Softeners, Water Heaters, Dehumidifiers / Humidifiers, Microwave Ovens, Stoves, Furnaces, Computers/TV’s $5.
Tires are charged as follows:
- Car Tire (off rim): $2.50
- Car Tire (on rim): $5.00
- Truck / Tractor Tire (off rim): $6.50
- Truck / Tractor Tire (on rim): $9.00
Refused Items: The following items will NOT be picked up:
Garbage, Yard Waste, Dirt, Hazardous Waste, Bricks, Rocks, Concrete, Sand, Construction, Demolition, Remodeling Materials,
- Used Oil Filters (accepted free at the Transfer Station)
- Oil (accepted free at the Transfer Station)
Any refuse pick-up violations are subject to a $200.00 hauling fee to the property owner and may impact the amount and timelines of the return of your security deposit.
Thank you for caring about your environment in which you live, work, learn and play.
College Hill Partnership Board of Directors -319-273-6228